The Workers Arts and Heritage Centre - Hamilton
WAHC preserves and celebrates the arts, culture and heritage of working people in Canada. It is located in the historic Custom House in Hamilton but its activities reach across the country through travelling exhibits and research projects.
51 Stuart Street, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8L 1B5
Phone: 905-522-3003
Fax: 905-522-5424
Écomusée du fier monde - Montreal
Industrial Montreal, Working-Class Montreal. The Écomusée du fier monde invites you to discover industrial and working-class Montréal through the history of the Centre-Sud, one of the city’s oldest neighbourhoods.
2050, Amherst Street, Montréal (Québec) H2L 3L8
Phone: 514-528-8444
Fax: 514-528-8686
Email: ecomusee@globetrotter.net
The Tenement House - Glasgow
Glasgow, more than any Scottish city, is associated with tenements. This first-floor flat is a typical late Victorian example, consisting of four rooms and retaining most of its original features such as its bed recesses, kitchen range, coal bunker and bathroom. The furniture, furnishings and personal possessions of Miss Agnes Toward, who lived here for over fifty years, present a fascinating picture of domestic life at the beginning of the 20th century, which is further explained in the ground floor exhibition area.
145 Buccleuch Street, Garnethill, Glasgow G3 6QN.
Tel: (141-333-0183.
People's Palace - Glasgow
At the ripe old age of 104, Glasgow's People's Palace is looking as dapper as the day it opened in 1898 "when Lord Roseberry pronounced it 'a palace of pleasure and imagination." Glasgow has used this museum to explore and celebrate its past struggles and working class history.
The Lower East Side Tenement Museum's - NYC
Its mission is "to promote tolerance and historical perspective through the presentation and interpretation of the variety of immigrant and migrant experiences on Manhattan's Lower East Side, a gateway to America."
The Lower East Side Tenement Museum was chartered in 1988. The heart of the Museum is the tenement at 97 Orchard Street. Located on Manhattan's Lower East Side, 97 Orchard was home to an estimated 7,000 people from over 20 nations from 1863 to 1935. In 1998, President Clinton and the United States Congress designated the Museum a National Historic Area affiliated with the National Park Service. 97 Orchard Street had been named a National Historic Landmark and a featured property of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
90 Orchard Street, New York, NY 10002
Phone: 212-431-0233
Fax: 212-431-0714
American Labor Museum/Botto House - Haledon
The American Labor Museum is housed in the Botto House National Landmark, a 1908 Victorian home, which belonged to silk mill worker, Pietro Botto and his wife Maria. It was the meeting place for over 20,000 silk mill workers during the 1913 Paterson Silk Strike. The museum has restored period rooms, a labor and immigrant library (including books, audio and video cassettes), Old World Gardens (including a bocce court, grape arbor, root cellar and chicken coop), and changing exhibits and on site educational progra
83 Norwood Street, Haledon, NJ 07508
Phone: 973-595-7953
Fax: 973-595-7291
Barre's Old Labor Hall – Barre, Vermont
Barre, Vermont - Constructed in 1900 by volunteers of the Italian community in Barre, Vermont as a meeting hall for the Socialist Labor Party, a political group dedicated to social and labor reform. From 1900 to 1936 the Hall served the community as a location to hold union meetings, political rallies, dances and sporting events. With the opening of the Co-Operative store in the basement of the Hall in 1901, the building also served as the source of food and merchandise for the community. The direct association of this property with the labor movement, community and the immigration of Italians, make's it one of the most important remaining architectural artifacts from the turn of the twentieth century in Barre. The Barre Historical Society is now in the process of restoration to again have the Hall serve the community of Barre as a meeting place and social club.
46 Granite Street Barre City Washington County Vermont
Museum of Work & Culture – Woonsocket RI
This interactive museum presents the compelling and touching story of the French Canadians who left the farms of Quebec for the factories of New England. Illustrating a remarkable cultural preservation story of faith, language and customs, the exhibits recreate the unique Woonsocket labor story of the rise of the Independent Textile Union which grew to dominate every aspect of city life.
42 South Main Street (Market Square), Woonsocket, RI 02895
Phone: 401-769-9675
Fax: 401-767-2905
People's History Museum - Manchester
The People's History Museum is the national centre for the collection, conservation, interpretation and study of material relating to the history of working people in Britain. The museum galleries are housed in the Pump House: a former Edwardian hydraulic pumping station, Bridge Street, Manchester. The museum derives its origin from the Trade Union, Labour and Co-operative History Society. From the 1960s the society formed a small collection and between 1975 and 1986 ran a museum in Limehouse Town Hall. The collections were then in storage until the Greater Manchester authorities made a funding offer. A new trust was created and the museum re-opened in 1990 initially on our Princess Street site. Until recently, the museum was known as both the National Museum of Labour History and the Pump House People's History Museum. In 2001 the museum decided to use one name to embrace the whole organisation: People's History Museum. Its registered company name and registered charity name is still the National Museum of Labour History.
103 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)161 228 7212
Fax: +44 (0)161 237 5965
Lowell National History Park |
Fairbairn Museum |
Wilberforce House |
International Slavery Museum |
Copenhagen Workers' Museum - Copenhagen
The topic of The Workers' Museum in Copenhagen is daily life; so daily life is the core of four permanent exhibitions. (1950's - an exhibition on everyday life, The Sørensen Family - a working-class family in Copenhagen 1885-1990, The People's Century, Hard Times - a flat of the 1930's).
Arbejdermuseet - Rømersgade 22, 1362 København K.
Phone: (+45) 33 93 25 75
Fax: (+45) 33 14 52 58
Central Museum of Labour - Finland
The Central Museum of Labour in Finland was established in 1993. It is a nation wide institution specialized in labour heritage and the history of work. Politically the museum is independent. The Central Museum of Labour restores, researches and exhibits historically noteworthy material from its field. The museum illustrates the development of workers, working surroundings and society from the beginning ot the 19th century to this day. The museum gives information and guidance with the questions in the field for all interested.
Väinö Linnan aukio 8, 33210 Tampere, Finland
Tel. +358-3-253 8800 Fax +358-3-253 8850
International Association of Labour History Institutions
The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) brings together archives, libraries, document centres, museums and research institutions specializing in the history and theory of the labour movement from all over the world. It was founded in 1970 by the Arbetarrörelsens Arkiv (Stockholm), the Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (Düsseldorf), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (Bonn), the Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (Amsterdam), the Labour Party (London), the Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv (Zürich) and the Trades Union Congress (London), among others.
Dr Wouter Steenhaut, AMSAB Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Bagattenstraat 174 B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Phone: 32-9-224.00.79
Fax: 32-9-233.67.11
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